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Science Saturdays

Every month, PAROC hosts a FREE event where the community can come spend an hour learning about science and doing hands-on activities. Each month is a new theme so there is something for everyone! ALL ages are welcome, caregivers must attend with children. Sign up for our Science Saturdays below!

November 16th, 10:00AM-12:00PM

Flu season is here, and nobody wants to get sick! Join us to dive into the science behind the spread and development of diseases, and learn how to protect yourself.
Explore a variety of activities throughout ESU's Science Hall, focusing on health, wellness, microbes, organs, and more! The Kansas Department of Health and Environment will be on-site with their KDHE Mobile Lab, offering an interactive experience to learn how germs spread.
ESU’s Dr. Melissa Bailey and Dr. Stewart Gardner will guide hands-on activities to show what microbes look like, how they function, and how they affect our bodies. Physical and Health Education majors will also be leading a session on disease prevention, while ESU’s Art Outreach team will be hosting health-themed crafts for all ages!
There will be raffle prizes, fun activities, and lots to learn for the whole family. Prepare yourself and your loved ones for flu season—don't miss out!

Registration Required.

December 7th, 1:00PM-2:30PM

How do our native animals survive the harsh winter weather? Come and discover with PAROC and the Milford Nature Center how animals make it through the coldest parts of the year. Enjoy an afternoon of learning and exploring different wildlife adaptations. Hear from presenters, take part in crafts, and hike through a winter wonderland!

Registration Required.

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